A perfect pair of p’s

Here’s what the Universe has me working on: Patience and Persistence.

What a perfect pair of p’s!

While coupled together frequently in the English language, energetically these two words are worlds apart. The requirement to use them both has been kicking my butt.

Patience is a suspended energy, related to “waiting.” It’s responsive rather than active. Having patience means waiting until the time is right to make your move. Persistence, on the other hand, is a driving energy. It’s a relentless, sometimes bull-headed, forward motion. When you persist, you refuse to give up.

In the “opposites attract” world, patience and persistence are perfect compliments to one another. And in the real world, while you might want sheer persistence to carry you straight to your finish line, the truth is you need patience, too.

Keeping my sense of humor...

I’ve discovered the harness that yokes these two energies together. It’s the brassiere, if you will, that carries this perfect pair of p’s. Ready for this? It’s surrender.


Read the next two lines slowly:

In order to suspend persistence in favor of patience, you must surrender your need to control the outcome.

To embrace patience while remaining willing to step into action as soon as the time is right, you must surrender attachment to the outcome.

Notice I didn’t say surrender, or give up, your desire. I said surrender control of the outcome.

It’s a key step in the process of manifestation. Articulate your desire, then surrender, or detach from the outcome. It’s like cutting the strings that are roping the Universe off from helping you with the “how.” Mixed in there, of course, is the willingness to take action on all the hints and opportunities you are given along the way. Letting go, on the one hand, taking action on the other. Which brings us back to where we started: Patience and Persistence.

While working on your current dream, remember to surrender control of the outcome. It’s one of the things I find hardest in the world. Why? Surrender is the first cousin of trust—one of my Life Lessons.

Coach’s Challenge: Leave me a comment below about how you handle this perfect pair of p’s. Is one easier for you than the other? If surrender comes easily to you, please share your tips and insights!

Lindy MacLaine of lindymaclaine.com is a Life Purpose and Creativity Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for those ages 10-100 who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more than Spring Cleaning.