Align Yourself with Good Fortune

Align Yourself with Good Fortune

Save the date! I’m holding a free evening workshop on Tuesday, October 1st at 6pm, entitled The Magical Map in Your Hands, upstairs at the Nourish Restaurant in Sequim, WA. Limited to 12 people, we’ll do handprints and I’ll reveal the essence of your soul’s journey.

This free event fulfills my Round 2 requirement for the Next Great Visionary Business Contest. It’s thanks to you I’m in Round 2, so visit the event webpage here, and sign up! Please sign up for the event even if you cannot attend – I will ask you to RSVP. Signing up is the equivalent of voting for me this round.

Today’s Article:

Is Your Name Fortunate?

I just got my name changed, legally, to Lindy MacLaine – and I’m going to take you behind the scenes of the “why.”

There are actually a few reasons, but the one that put me into actual motion is numerology. Yes, you read that right – numerology. A couple of years ago, Baeth Davis had a powerful numerologist, Tania Gabrielle, as one of her guest speakers. Tania began as a mathematician and struggling composer, but happily for the rest of us, found her way to numerology. There are different systems in that field, and she uses the Ancient Caledonian one (which means nothing to me, but it sounds powerful!)

Have you thought about how names carry vibrations? There is the vibration of sound, when you hear your name said aloud. That in itself has enormous impact. It brings the resonance of memories; a whole emotional history comes with the sound of your name spoken aloud. What do you feel when you hear your name? Do you wince? Do you feel proud? Whatever your response, it matters. That’s how your name affects you, every day, all day long.

Speaking a name aloud also involves musicality, and numbers are intimately related to music. Numbers carry a vibration as well – which is the basis for the field of numerology. Tania Gabrielle does a service answering the question, “Is your name fortunate?” I hungered after that information when I heard of it, though it took me a couple of years to decide to invest in it.

When I finally did, I learned that ”Lindy McLaine” carries an “18/9” vibration, one associate with betrayal and misfortune. Obviously I didn’t want that! Tania offered several options that would be more fortunate, and Lindy MacLaine is the one The new name carries a “19/10/1” vibration, and it’s known as “The Prince of Heaven” — a number associated with instant manifestation. Minding my thoughts is even more important now.

I’m ready to rock and roll in my life – no more messing around. And if taking on a more fortunate name helps, I’m up for it!

I have to tell you that there is a larger history besides “good fortune” involved. I am one of those who winces when she hears her name. My given name, “MaryLin” is one that is mispronounced as “Marilyn” 90% of the time. 12 years ago, I nicknamed myself “Lindy,” and have thrived under that appellation. So getting my name changed legally was also a way of fully stepping out of the old and into the new.

Why should any of this matter to you? Likely you will tune in to the subtleties of your own name, and how it affects you. Besides, writing about it takes me one step further out of the metaphysical closet, (as if doing hand analysis wasn’t far enough!) And if you are still reading this, remember that birds of a feather…!

Coach’s Challenge: This time it’s a question. What steps do you need to take to more fully align yourself with good fortune? Remember that luck (good fortune) = preparation + opportunity. Is there fundamental preparation you need to do? Training? A decision? What might you need to do to put yourself where opportunity will find you? Share your insights as a comment, below!

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Lindy MacLaine, of, helps people in the second bloom of life pinpoint their Life Purpose and create the best possible lives they can imagine. She is using her creativity to attract a community who responds to today’s challenges by stepping up to the plate and into their gifts, while believing in each other and themselves.


Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.