Conscious Community

Conscious Community

Are you building conscious community for yourself?

Conscious community is a term that has come to me recently. My friend Dawn Nocera does intuitive readings identifying what energies you activate in others (very useful information! Can you imagine understanding and having a name for the power you activate in others, just by being you?) She says I activate confidence and conscious community in others.

When I say “conscious community,” I mean community you have formed or joined “on purpose.” It aligns with who you are, with what you believe, with your highest values, with the change you want to make in the world and the things you care about most. You might be aligned with more than one conscious community—each circle focused on a unique aspect of what you care deeply about.

I spent this past weekend with one of my conscious communities: I’ve known these women for over 25 years now! In my life, that deserves an exclamation point—there was a time I thought I would never be in one place long enough to claim such a boast.

Conscious community needs nurturing. Like anything else that you want, it needs time and attention, heart and commitment. The miracle of it is that when you nurture it, it nurtures you back!

My friends and I spent the weekend eating, (feeding each other), laughing, talking about our lives, our struggles, and our joys. We sang together, we danced, we played a new board game designed for women (called “Sparked”), and we took long walks in a beautiful, frosty forest. We almost tried our luck at walking on the iced-over lake, but didn’t quite trust the depth of the freeze and didn’t fancy an icy plunge. We found an especially ancient tree we named “Mr. Majestic,” and visited him at least three times. (Pictured)

Altogether we spent about 45 hours in each other’s company. I came away feeling refreshed, lighter of spirit, supported, more relaxed, and more confident in my abilities to face coming challenges.

If I could manifest one thing for you, it would be for you to have this kind of conscious community in your life. It makes life’s journey easier and more joyful. It accelerates your spiritual growth. It builds your confidence in an effortless way as you see yourself reflected through the eyes of others who have chosen you to be part of their conscious community.



Coach’s Challenge: If you’ve spent any amount of time around me, I’ve drawn you into my “web” of conscious community, triggered a desire for such in your life, or we’ve resonated together in a mutually chosen community. Leave me a comment below about how you are fed (today) by conscious community.

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure series Piper Pan and Her Merry Band, for those ages 9-109 who loved the Neverland and who long for adventures that matter.