Find Your Audience

Find Your Audience

You are a creative.


(You may not think of yourself that way, but I can promise you, if you are here with me, you ARE!)

As a creative, you must find your audience.

Hand analysis has taught me this about the energy of creativity: in order for the creative cycle to be complete, your creativity must be received. In other words, you need an audience. You can’t just make your art, write your manuscript, create your piece de resistance, and put it in a drawer (or in the fridge!) At the VERY least you need one person to receive and appreciate your creative efforts—likely you need a lot more than one.

It’s common to think “when I do “x,” (write a best-seller, get hired as keynote speaker, finally earn a living from my creativity, etc.), “I will finally have my audience.” Energetically, that keeps your audience at a distance and in the future rather than present and available.

Here’s a better option: find your audience NOW and share with them whatever you happen to be working on.

Do it in the smallest and easiest way, and work up from there.


Last night I attended an open mic venue in town (turns out there are several). There were 20 performances, some musical, some non-musical—I read from my first book, The Curse of the Neverland. I would say there were a handful of people there who weren’t performing, but mostly it was populated by others like me—people who need an audience.

I got the satisfaction of performing, (something I happen to love), I might have tickled the interest of a few potential readers, I enjoyed being among others like myself, and I had an audience.


I believe the best way to invite more of something into your life is to appreciate that very thing in your life right now. So if you don’t yet have your audience, find a small way to get it, and start enjoying and appreciating it. Having an audience is part and parcel of creative fulfillment.

Coach’s Challenge: Leave me a comment to tell me where you have an audience right now. It doesn’t have to be on a stage. Maybe you are in a writing group sharing your writing with other writers. Maybe you’re in a singing class being listened to by classmates. Maybe your neighbor comes over to admire your gorgeous gardens. Tell me about it, and be sure to say how it makes you feel to have your audience!

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure series Piper Pan and Her Merry Band, for those ages 9-109 who loved the Neverland and who long for adventures that matter.