Your Powerful Presence

When was the last time you were around someone with whom you just wanted to sit, to soak in their energy—their powerful presence? “Make like a sponge, and saturate?”

This past week I traveled to Los Angeles and spent four days staying with two friends with just this kind of powerful presence. It was truly lovely.

You, too, have a powerful presence. How do I know? I have a powerful presence as well. And like attracts like.

 Are you mindfully using your powerful presence? When you are “being who you are here on Earth to BE, and doing what you are here to DO,” you radiate this energy naturally. This is the information your Life Purpose Hand Analysis reveals.

Mind you, siphoning off another person’s energy is completely improper. But it’s just fine to bask in another’s energy field, to enjoy it. I’m sure you’ve had the experience of being around someone who exhausts you. It’s quite possible they are unconsciously doing this “parasitic energy-suck” on others.

People who siphon energy from others aren’t bad people—they just haven’t learned how to replenish their energy field in a healthy way. It’s a behavior people can fall into when they’ve experienced trauma or emotional wounding. Compassion for them is appropriate—it’s also appropriate to set boundaries and not allow them to deplete your energy.

Choose to be around people who make you feel good.

Be aware that you affect all the people around you with your energetic presence. What energy do you “run?”

It’s easiest to be powerfully present when you know your Life School and can use it to shore up your foundation, when you are using your gifts in positive ways, when you are being who you are here to BE and doing what you are here to DO.

If you haven’t had a Life Purpose Hand Analysis yet, click here to learn more and sign up for yours.

Coach’s Challenge: Pay attention this week, to your energy level. Are you happy and relaxed much of the time? Or do you feel drained, out of sorts? If the latter, tune in next week—I’ll share some ways to correctly replenish your energy.


Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.