The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Thanksgiving has always been a favorite holiday of mine—probably because I have rarely, if ever, been the hostess! I live in terror of having to make multiple dishes come out ready to serve at the same time, looking good, still warm, and having a real smile on my face. That’s pretty much the definition of impossible for me… Fortunately, I’m really good at doing dishes!

To me, the most profound thing about Thanksgiving is the opportunity to spend a day focused on gratitude. The power of gratitude is truly amazing, not just one day of the year, but every day. Sadly, most people attune to their problems more readily than to what is well with their lives. It’s only a matter of habit—a new habit of gratitude is truly worth taking the time to form.

Did you know that gratitude is one of the highest vibration emotions you can spend time in? Only joy ranks higher. Having a high-vibration emotion humming through your body is the very best way to manifest your dreams and attract good things to your life.

Given that many of us run around with a low-grade “gripe” going on inside—(worry, frustration, anxiety)—how do we switch from “grumble” to “glow?” Gratitude is your key. Not only is gratitude a high-vibration emotion, it’s one that is fairly simple to “turn on.” Begin thinking of things you are grateful for. Start small and simple. Your bed. Your comfy sheets. Having a roof over your head. Having hot running water.

This should at least get your motor to turn over…now reach deeper. The book you were enjoying last night. The laugh you shared with someone yesterday. That beautiful, soft sweater you get to wear again now it’s in season. The last meal you savored and shared with someone you love. Because people are complicated, turning to pets for gratitude is a faster route. The unconditional love factor makes a difference. But once you are feeling an authentic flow of good feeling, add in the people you are grateful for. But for this purpose, choose the ones with whom you have the most straight-forward positive relationships.

This is the power of gratitude—a way to bridge the gap from grumble to glow in a matter of minutes.

Coach’s Challenge: My Thanksgiving wish for you is that you spend most of the day feeling grateful. This will actually take some work. Each time you notice the “grumble” inside, engage in the process above to turn back to the warmth of gratitude. I assure you, the more time you spend feeling grateful, the better your day will be. Not just on Thanksgiving, but any day. Please know that having you there reading my notes each is week is something I’m HUGELY grateful for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

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Lindy MacLaine is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and own their life purpose. She offers tools to bring your imagination to life, and to live your dream now–so that every girl across the globe can live hers as well.

She is the author of the forthcoming fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for women and girls of any age who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.