Biggest Success Hurdle

Biggest Success Hurdle

What is your biggest success hurdle?


What keeps you from grabbing your dream and REALLY going for it?


Biggest Success Hurdle:

You might guess: fear, procrastination, or shiny object syndrome (leaving a trail of half-attempted things in your wake as you grab for the next shiny new idea). You wouldn’t be wrong. But I think those are secondary symptoms.


I think the core hurdle is:


Your biggest success hurdle is not trusting yourself.

I’m making a leap, of course, as we each have our own design and our own hang-ups. But since like attracts like, I’m going to assume you will at least partly relate, because it’s the core issue for me. All my procrastinating, my grabbing for “better” ideas and projects to pursue, my fear of failure—even fear of success—all these have at their root, one common thing: The need for trust.


Who do you need to trust?

Yourself, primarily. Trust that you have what it takes. Trust that this dream is yours because you do, indeed, have the capacity to reach it.

You may need to trust that you still have a dream, buried under all the disappointment and all the “practical” feedback you’ve been given.

No one reaches their dreams by themselves. You also need to trust that help is available. You need to trust the people who show up to help. I know! Connected to the fear that “this dream is impossible,” is the fear and belief that someone will pull the rug out from under you at any moment.

A family member taught me early that it’s better to hurt yourself (criticize, undermine, etc.) than to let another do it. Yikes. Ouch! Like so many of our core beliefs, it makes no sense at all. But there is some old piece of emotional survival attached. Some part of you or your past is “trying to keep you safe.”


Time to let go.

You know—that leap of faith. There is no dream accomplished without making that leap. Riding your big-girl bike requires removing the training wheels. You can spend time preparing—really, as much as you want—EXCEPT.



If you are a woman:

Here’s the thing. For we women, we want to feel confident BEFORE we make the leap. We must TRUST and leap BEFORE we feel ready. Because the feeling of confidence comes through a LOT of doing. You’re going to have to “fake it ’til you make it” —maybe for a good while. Not feeling confident does NOT mean you aren’t qualified, or you don’t have the skills. It just means it’s new. New feels scary. Just the way it is.


If not now, when?


Coach’s Challenge:

Sit quietly with yourself, drop into your heart and really ask: Do I trust myself in regards to my dream(s)? Seeing it is the first step. Work to make Trust your default position. It’s a life-long practice, just keep at it. As you trust, you dismantle your biggest success hurdle.

Leave me a comment, let me know what you think.

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure series Piper Pan and Her Merry Band, for those ages 9-109 who loved the Neverland and who long for adventures that matter.