Celebrate Your Freedom to Choose

Celebrate Your Freedom to Choose

Next Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, July 12-14, choose Time for YOU! We’ll spend 75 minutes packed with self-care. Read more here. My movie invite here.

Happy Independence Day! Enjoy the holiday, the barbeques and the fireworks. Be happy and be safe.

If you’ve had the opportunity to travel outside of this country, you’ve likely come home with an altered perspective about the U.S.A. I spent my senior year in high school as an exchange student to Peru. When I came home – well, the shifts in how I perceived this country were plentiful. I could write a whole article about that. Today I just want to highlight this one: how precious are our daily freedoms – we tend to take them for granted.

This Independence Day, celebrate your freedom to choose:

  • Your Thoughts. These are the building blocks of everything: your attitudes, beliefs, and values. They can lift you up or break you down. Choose up.
  • Your Words. One of the “Four Agreements” is “Be impeccable with your word.” From your thoughts, come your words. What you speak has power. Speak with integrity.
  • Your Actions. The choice to do or not do a thing carries consequences – hence you may feel you don’t have a choice. You do. Make good use of it.
  • Your Friends. You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Choose well.
  • Your Self-Expression. Creative endeavors still hold an enormous amount of freedom, in spite of attempts to contain it. Be bold. Express all that’s in your heart.
  • Your Pursuits. The extent to which you fulfill your Life Purpose lies here. Be brave. Grab hold with your heart and both hands.

As you celebrate your freedom to choose, notice that you have available the benefit of Divine Guidance. Sometimes making a choice on your own seems impossible. Listen to your heart, your gut, and to other synchronistic messages. The wisest choices arise from the states I’ve talked about in the last 2 newsletters: Wordlessness, and Oneness.

Coach’s Challenge: Think about a choice you’ve made recently, or one you are in the process of making. To see if this choice serves the greater good, drop into Wordlessness, and Oneness. How does the choice feel from there? Greed, immorality, and other potentially harmful plans won’t mix with Wordlessness and Oneness. It’s a sure litmus test. Leave a comment letting me know what you discover!

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Lindy McLaine, of www.wecansoar.com, helps people in the second bloom of life pinpoint their Life Purpose and create the best possible lives they can imagine. She is using her creativity to attract a community who responds to today’s challenges by stepping up to the plate and into their gifts, while believing in each other and themselves.



Lindy MacLaine of lindymaclaine.com is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.