How Things Really Work

How Things Really Work

You want to know how things really work? When I say “things,” I mean the magic of bringing your dreams to life. Here it is, my sparkling insight: You don’t become who you want to be, and then do what you want to do. You become who you want to be through doing what you want to do.

The first is an “I’ll wait until I qualify” approach that could be replaced with the word “Someday…” The second is a decision, an action, mistakes made, lessons learned, victories celebrated, and utter satisfaction every step of the way. Why? Because you are getting to pursue that dream today instead of putting it off until someday.

For years I’ve been listening to my mentor, Baeth Davis of, say that it takes investing big in order to BE big. I’ve half believed, because I’ve seen the results for those who’ve immersed themselves in her programs. But another part of me has whispered “yeah, but that’s just the sales hook…”

I want to share my personal experience of why she is 100% right. Here are a few things I’ve learned so far:

  • The money is not what determines your success, it’s the level of commitment brought to the table. However, there is nothing else in our society that creates the level of commitment that putting beaucoup bucks out creates. Of course the amounts and the levels of risk vary according to one’s personal “money thermometer.”
  • When your investment is high, you own the content, the interaction, and the gains of a program in a far different way than if it were “cheap” or free. Sad, but true. You take it and run with it when you’ve risked a lot to be there. Higher education is a good example – particularly when you are paying your own way.
  • Motivation to follow through is much higher.
  • There is greater willingness to go beyond one’s comfort zone in order to prove the investment worthwhile.
  • When you’ve extended yourself for something in this way, you are around others who’ve done the same. Their risk affects them the same way, and suddenly you and they are creating a higher vibration together than any single person could have done alone. You get the marvelous benefits of a mastermind – not just physically, but energetically as well.

And okay, so it doesn’t hurt to go public the way I am right now, either. Now you’ve read this, you’ll be able to nail my but to the wall should I not follow through on my plans!

And what are my plans? To put my creative self-expression front and center. Step one: get my book out! Stay tuned…

Coach’s Challenge: Honest to goodness, this is how things really work. It took me three – almost four years to work up to this level of investing in myself and my dreams. But it would have taken me a lot longer if I hadn’t made that first investment. It was hundreds of dollars, and felt huge at the time. You know where in your life you’ve been holding back – where you keep selling yourself short and promising yourself “someday, when…” Find one way you can take a step into the doing of that dream now. Put your butt on the line, make a commitment. The more it scares you, the more you know it’s what you need to do. Make it your holiday gift to yourself. You’ll be giving thanks that you did! If this means you are ready for a Life Purpose Reading, sign up here. As always, I invite you to leave a comment, and share your journey!

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Lindy MacLaine, of, helps people in the second bloom of life pinpoint their Life Purpose and create the best possible lives they can imagine. She is using her creativity to attract a community who responds to today’s challenges by stepping up to the plate and into their gifts, while believing in each other and themselves.


Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.