Intense Bonding

“The Mountain Between Us” starring Kate Winslett and Idris Elba, models intense bonding of transformative times.

Film summary:


“Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection in order to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow covered mountain. They embark on a perilous journey across hundreds of miles of wilderness discovering strength they never knew possible.”


In spite of its mediocre reviews, I liked it. The acting is top-notch.The stamina it takes for two actors to carry a full-length film of this kind of drama, is awesome.

The movie set me to thinking about how important the bonds we form during particularly transformative times, are. Intense bonding must be honored.

Click to view movie trailer

We’ve all got such bonds, and such transformative times.

Not plane crashes, (hopefully!) but definitely surviving other difficulties: getting sober, finding our way out of a damaging relationship, or growing beyond our stuck places.

I’ve had acting classes that held personal breakthroughs so profound, that those who were there with me feel important to my heart.

Friends who listened and loved me through especially hard times represent this kind of bond.


The film is a romance…

But I think the two protagonists end up together not simply for love, but because the other saw them become who they had to be to survive. They knew each other like no one else could.

It’s my observation that these bonds in my heart don’t always remain obvious bonds in life. (Distance, change, etc. can mean there is no longer meaningful interaction with these people.)


Even so, they stand in my heart in a category all their own. I’m grateful to them beyond words.


Coach’s Challenge:

Take some time, perhaps with a sheet of paper, to note those with whom you’ve formed intense bonds throughout your life. Give yourself the gift of an honoring ceremony. Close your eyes and let them come to you in your mind, one at a time. Thank them. Tell them what they mean to you and why.

*This is an important part of telling your true story.

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure series Piper Pan and Her Merry Band, for those ages 9-109 who loved the Neverland and who long for adventures that matter.