However you choose to spend the holiday today, my wish for you is that it be filled with magical moments, sweetness, joy, beauty, delight, love, laughter, ease and elegance.
Of course these are but a few of the many blessings I recommend you shower upon yourself. My wish for you also includes inspiration, imagination, contemplation, time to express yourself aloud or on the page, good stories, abundance, dancing for the fun of it – doing anything for the fun of it!
There are so many wonderful blessings written by wise and articulate people. I am partial to this Irish blessing:
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back –
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall soft, upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May He hold you in His hand,
May God hold you – in the palm of His hand!
As next Wednesday marks the first of the New Year, this is my last message for 2013. As such, it carries all my gratitude and delight that we get to share our paths, for whatever amount of time. Namaste!
Coach’s Challenge: Write yourself a note of love and thanks for this past year. Make note of quiet accomplishments and everyday courage as well as larger leaps of faith. You are the creator and the actor in this life of yours. Take time to applaud your efforts, and encourage yourself onward!
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