The Pleasures of Armpit Suckling

The Pleasures of Armpit Suckling

That got your attention! Before I launch into this story, let me say that there is a point to this, so hang with me.

Actually, I’m referring to one of my kitties, Sally. She’s a sweet and spicy moody little gal, you’ve got to watch her eyes or you might catch her teeth. She also has her rituals. She wants to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it, and she lets you know in no uncertain terms. It’s made me think about the power of comforting rituals.

According to Sally, at least twice a day (or otherwise on demand), either my husband or I should take a break to go sit in bed and read. We have these fuzzy purple pillows to lean against, and Sally thinks they are her mother. She kneads them and purrs and actually suckles on them. Her very favorite thing is to push her head under your arm and access the pillow that way. Hence the headline: the pleasures of armpit suckling.

It’s a combination of hilarious and sweet. When I see my husband indulging Sally in this ritual, I laugh and he rolls his eyes. It’s the closest a guy ever gets to nursing!

I don’t have children this time around. But Sally’s armpit suckling is guaranteed to bring out the maternal instinct in anyone! Indulging her ritual and watching the comfort and pleasure Sally takes from it made me wonder “what’s my equivalent of armpit suckling?” What ritual do I indulge in daily that brings me to full-body relaxation, and full-body purr?

Well. Put like that, it sounds like the answer ought to be sex. That would certainly qualify. But short of that, what else? For me? Listening to a good story while I’m driving makes me pretty darn happy. Walking in the woods, a soak in the hot tub under the stars. Singing in harmony with other people can sometimes do it, dancing definitely does. Oh, and eating blue corn chips and guacamole ia pretty darn fine.

But I don’t do these things every day. My question is “Why not?” If Sally is any example of what it takes to stay healthy and even-tempered, it ought to be twice a day! I’m going to look at how to increase my daily pleasure factor, and encourage you to do the same.

Coach’s Challenge: How about you? What’s your equivalent of armpit suckling? Rate your practice of pleasurable rituals on a scale of 1 to 10. My friend and mentor Baeth will rate a 9 or 10 on this, but a number of you dear readers will rate on the low side of 5. This is an excellent exercise in receiving. Wherever you are on the scale, what will it take to increase by one number this week? Andale! Do it! As always, I invite you to leave a comment and share your journey!

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Lindy of, helps people who’ve given up on their creative dreams get the inspiration, guidance, support and connection they need to reignite their spark, rehab their dreams, and live their Life Purpose.
Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.