The School of Wisdom is the school of the mind. As a student of this school, you are gifted with great insight, and can be relied on to see numerous elegant solutions to the problem at hand. You are the go-to person for finding the very best answers in your area of expertise.
The struggle of this school lies in taking action. A possible course of action makes itself known, then another, (even better), then another… Knowing yet another solution will come, you hold back, reluctant to commit yourself. The down-side looks like being a very clever, perpetual fence-sitter – never moving forward or changing course because you might not have yet discovered the best way to do it.
Becoming an honor student in the School of Wisdom requires making decisions, and taking action. Those two very simple things, that can be so far from easy when owning such stellar access to a facile mind.
You must start taking imperfect action. Choose the best idea you’ve had so far and move on it, instead of waiting to improve that vision. There is a magic that ensues from implementation. As you move forward, you get more input – things you couldn’t have known before taking that action. New input informs the next decision, and the next action.
Self-care through wise action is of extra importance during the holidays. If you don’t want to get through them having overspent, overindulged, feeling exhausted and under-fulfilled, wise action is required. Take an action, and if you don’t like the result, adjust your course. The point of power is in the present moment; in daring to take actions that go beyond survival and putting out fires.
Taking action is essential to manifesting your dreams. Waiting until you can see exactly what is required, or waiting to figure it all out before you take a chance, will leave you in exactly the same place a year from now. If you want a different result, you must take a different action.
Coach’s Challenge: What about your wisdom and the holidays? Apply your wisdom to your holiday choices. Waiting for the best gift idea before shopping will leave you running around on Christmas Eve in turmoil, or it could leave you without a gift to give at all. Waiting for the perfection means waiting forever. Listen to your wisdom, and take action. Daily.
Take the wise action of committing to your highest good in 2013. Enroll in our 6-week “playshop,” Sundays 1-3pm at the Cutting Garden, starting Januray 6, 2013. Trust me – you’ll thank yourself – for the vision you’ll attain, and the connections you’ll make, as well as the well-being you’ll create for yourself. Here’s the link: