7-Day Creativity Challenge

7-Day Creativity Challenge

Ready to shake loose your winter blues? I’ve got just the thing.

Step One: Sign on for my 7-Day Creativity Challenge! It’s simple, surprising, and fun. Designed to shift your energy, invite a little more energy in, let a little more junk out. It’s Free—so come ahead and sign up here!

No opus creation required, this is NOT for Van Goghs, Rachmaninoffs and Spielbergs only. This is for ordinary people who are ready to open up their creative flow and use it to expand their wellbeing.

Step Two: Watch the 3-video “7-Day Challenge” series I’ll be putting out offering practical solutions, doable steps for getting unstuck and into your juicy life flow. (It’s free as well!) 1st one will be released later this week. Signing up for the 7-Day Creativity Challenge means you’ll get the links as they come out.

Step Three: Make the commitment to really participate once you’ve signed up for the creativity challenge. These are tiny but powerful assignments. They’ll do you no good at all unless you really do them. Once you’ve done it, follow the instructions to report back so we can all grow our “River Thrive” together!

Are you in? Sign up here. Can’t wait to hear back from you!

Lindy MacLaine of lindymaclaine.com is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the forthcoming fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for women and girls of any age who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.