Deep Emotion

Life promises change—and with change, comes deep emotion.

My astro-numerologist’s message that we are in a time of transitions—of endings and new beginnings—has been very true in my life this week. I traveled to attend a wedding, and had news of an unexpected death. Talk about deep emotion!

Deep emotion comes in all shapes and sizes. Some of it lifts us—amen to that—joy, love, gratitude… However, grief is something else, especially that of losing a loved one. Its impact can be crushing. Perhaps worse, it can push us into feeling utterly alone.

Grief happens to all of us. But for some reason, going through grief feels singular, as if no one else has ever experienced it, as if no one can possibly understand our pain.

If this is happening for you, please let me remind you of the healing power of tears. I’m not being flippant. Tears actually dissolve the wall dividing us from our unity—our oneness with the entire Universe.

the lovely bride!

Tears are cleansing. When shared with others, they create a powerful bond. They destroy the illusion of isolation.

And beyond the psychobabble, tears leave you feeling a bit lighter. Your deep emotion feels easier to bear.

Crying is not weak. It takes great strength and courage to stand open and vulnerable, sharing your authentic emotion. It’s a powerful willingness to surrender, to fully experience your deep emotion, and to receive comfort offered by others.


Coach’s Challenge: Tune in to your own reality of change and transition. Find the areas that need grieving (sometimes these show up in surprising places, like weddings or other positive change). Take the time to feel and express your deep emotion—ideally talk it through with a trusted friend. Second best: write about your feelings. Let yourself cry, and experience the healing power of tears.

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure series Piper Pan and Her Merry Band, for those ages 9-109 who loved the Neverland and who long for adventures that matter.