Feeding the Deep Flow of Your Heart and Soul

Feeding the Deep Flow of Your Heart and Soul

Beginning today, I’m going to share with you the 7 keys to feeding the deep flow of your heart and soul.

If you feel you’ve plateaued in your life, whether in your personal pursuits, your relationships, or your finances, it’s time to tap in to the deep flow of your heart and soul. Everything in your life stems from this deep flow. If you’re experiencing lack in an area, it’s an expression of how you are or are not tending the deep flow of your heart and soul. 

Imagine this deep flow like a strand of DNA – a helix. Its progression is not linear, though it is cyclical. (By the way, these 7 keys come from my experience as a woman—I’ll be interested to hear from my men readers how it fits for you.)

The first and central key is Creativity. If I could pass along just one piece of wisdom from my life’s travails, it’s this: Never, ever abandon or give up your creativity. It’s the most god-like thing we do, and its life-giving quality will deliver joy your whole life long when you understand its essential nature.

Photo by Jan Kepley

Creativity is, in fact, the essence of the deep flow of your heart and soul. It is the river of your life energy: fed by inspiration, released through expression. Anytime you allow yourself to dwell in this precious space, between inspiration and expression, you are being creative. Whether the physical result is a doodled daydream or a baked good or a newly organized closet, it’s creative. Dwelling in this space is vital. It delivers vitality to your very cells.

It’s very much like breathing. Something comes in to your system, something else is released from you. Nothing that comes in will ever be exactly the same going out, because it comes out through you, and you are as unique as a snowflake. This is why you should never hesitate to do something “because someone else has already done it,” (barring copyright infringement). When something comes through you, it will have a distinct quality. 

One other thing: this process is most life-giving when you do not judge your expression. Release judgment of your creations. Just let engaging in the act of creation feed your deep self.

Coach’s Challenge: Play with the image of dwelling between inspiration and expression, of letting things “pour” in and “whoosh” out. You are opening to life, letting it feed you, and releasing it in ways that often feed not only you, but others as well. (Service is not the point right now, though, just inspiration and expression.) Feeding the deep flow of your heart and soul is like breathing, like playing. Let me know if this changed your thoughts about creativity!


Lindy MacLaine of lindymaclaine.com is a Life Purpose and Creativity Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the fantasy adventure series Piper Pan and Her Merry Band, for those ages 9-109 who loved the Neverland and who long for adventures that matter.