Where do story ideas come from?

Where do story ideas

Where Do Story Ideas Come From?

This is a dreaded question among authors, and a common one from readers. Dreaded because inspiration is a nebulous and mysterious territory, often unknown even to the artist.

But I found a way to get to that territory—a sacred one. Remember I told you I was going to attend a Shamanic Journeying Workshop from my friend Evie Kane in Los Angeles in February? I did, enjoyed myself immensely, and gained a tool for enormous personal guidance. But I got something beyond that—something totally unexpected.

Evie mentioned in passing, at the workshop day’s end, that the journeying we had learned to do could be used to ask for story ideas. My ears perked up, especially because while I’d been working on the sequel to my first book, it hadn’t been coming all that well.

After arriving home, Evie delivered the drum recording she’d promised so we journey on our own at home. (And I need to stress, this is an actual technique which should be learned from a trained Shaman‑not just fiddled around with on your own.) I uploaded the recording, got myself plugged in, settled down, and began.

Three journeys later, I’ve been gifted with some character insights and plotline twists that I cannot take credit for, but for which I am extremely grateful. Work on book 2 has improved substantially!

If you are a creative and this piques your interest, you should know that Evie will be offering another Shamanic Journeying 1-day workshop, again in Los Angeles, on Saturday June 20. So hold the date, and give me a heads-up if you’re interested!

Coach’s Challenge: You know, I don’t have a challenge for you this week. I have an invitation and a reminder. My Book Launch party is coming up, Saturday March 21 4-6 pm in Sequim, WA. Come if you can! Click here for more info. The reminder? Publication date for The Curse of the Neverland is March 12. If you haven’t ordered your book yet, just 8 days left to get your pre-order $5 off: click here.

Lindy MacLaine of lindymaclaine.com is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the forthcoming fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for women and girls of any age who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.