Your Receiving Limit

Your Receiving Limit

Do you know about your receiving limit? It seems impossible to imagine. “How could I possibly be limiting the amount I can receive?”

Each of us has deep beliefs acquired very early in our lives about how much we deserve—how much it’s OK to receive before there are negative consequences.

I know because as I’ve focused on receiving through launching my new “The River Thrive” program, I’ve been deluged with gifts from the Universe. I can feel the place where my body says “Stop! That’s all I can have!”

Maybe you had siblings and you learned if you got more than them, there would be trouble. Maybe a parent let you know in no uncertain terms that wanting more was “greedy,” or “selfish.” If so, you learned to allow only so much before shutting it off. More meant loss of love, loss of approval, maybe even pain of one kind or another.

At this point in your life, it’s no longer a conscious thought. There’s simply a place where you energetically shut it off. “That’s enough. That’s all I can take.”

I’ve observed this most visibly around receiving applause. When you stand and receive applause, it’s extremely rare for anyone to remain physically relaxed, able to keep letting it in. Bowing, smiling, waving, all those things can be gestures used to deflect the receiving.

When you truly receive applause, take it in and keep taking it in, there’s a point where tears well up in your eyes. That too marks your receiving limit, but tears help to wash away the limit. Like fairy tears, they heal on impact.

This past week the Universe provided a way for me to attend a workshop I dearly wanted to attend but thought I could not. When I reached out with an idea about how I might donate to a local charity, they reached back with an idea that benefits me even more. (And now my book The Curse of the Neverland will be used as the book club book for the “Aim High, Reach for the Stars!” program with 4th and 5th grade girls at Greywolf Elementary School!)

I have been reaching my limits, healing them, reaching new limits, healing them, and so forth. I breathe, I cry, I breathe some more, expanding the space that is me—making room for more and more Good.

You can do this as well—make space in your life for more and more good: more happiness, more abundance, more delight—it’s what The River Thrive is all about.

Coach’s Challenge: If you haven’t seen them yet, watch my videos. #1 is here, #2 is here. Consider what it might mean to you to have MORE flowing through your life. I can help you melt your receiving limit, over and over again.

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the forthcoming fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for women and girls of any age who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.