Are You Asking the Right Questions?

I’ve learned of a resource I can’t wait to try: an alternative to affirmations. It comes down to this: are you asking the right questions?

This comes through my dear friend Perrilee. She listened to the book The Great Little Book of Afformations (not a misspelling) by Dr. Noah St. John.

I totally got her description of why the author said affirmations don’t work. You say your affirmation: “Everyday and in every way, I am happier and healthier.” (For example.)

Immediately, your mind sets in with counter attacks: “Except for my big toe, which hurts like heck!” or “Happy, huh? Wasn’t it you who picked that argument with your husband the other night?” And so on and so forth. The louder you say the affirmation, the louder the other voices chime in.

Pretty soon the affirmation is not a lovely lyrical thing but something you are screaming inside your head, trying to force into being!

So here’s what clever Dr. Noah St. John suggests: Use the power of your mind in a better way. Ask it a question. Something like: “Why am I healthier and happier than ever before?” or “Why am I always so successful?”

It must be a “why” question… (I haven’t read the book yet, can’t say about the “why?” working better than “how?” but I’ll take his word for it.)

When you ask the right question(s) like this, your mind races to find all the answers.

“Why am I healthier than ever?”

Because you are exercising more. Because you’ve been sleeping better. Because you’re… whatever. It runs through its database of your activities and habits, and finds the answers that match the question.

How’s them apples for a creative solution??? I like it!

Coach’s Challenge: Take the area you’ve been struggling in most lately. Ask a question designed to solve it. (“Why are things working so well?”) Keep asking yourself the question this week, and jot down any answers that are new, or opportunities that come to you to improve things. And leave a comment about how it goes!

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the forthcoming fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for women and girls of any age who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.