An opportunity to laugh…
It’s the very best thing I can share today.
I have two films for you—both series—which is great, because that way you get to laugh longer and more often!
Funny Movies
The first is British. This one has subtle humor. Tongue in cheek, and self-deprecatory in the very most oblivious and humorous of ways. This is NOT big slapstick comedy like some British TV series.
The Detectorists
is written, directed by, and costars Mackenzie Crook. You may recognize him from Pirates of the Caribbean—he was a very funny pirate in those movies (had a glass eye that kept popping out, wore a dress in one scene…) It also stars Toby Jones and Rachael Stirling,—a highly credited cast. This series was made for TV (BBC). There are 3 complete seasons, and it comes to a decent close at that point. It was unclear if there would be more or not.
When I first saw the title I thought it was a play on “Detectives.” No. It’s about a club of people who do metal detecting. They are “treasure hunters” in their lovely dweeby way. I promise, you’ll fall in love with them, too.
I laughed out loud…
A LOT while watching this series. Humor is very individual, I realize. What is hilarious to some is not to others. But if you are here reading this, my guess is you may appreciate the humor in this series as I do. Oh, and another good thing: the series has subtitles. Always helpful with British accents involved!
Not for nothing, Mackenzie looks enough like one of my brothers that he might be my “brother by another mother” (not really, Mom and Dad!) Still, see for yourselves—and I won’t say which brother!
This is great entertainment if you are a woman over 50, 60, 70…
Lily Tomlin is in it, so you can guess it is a bit ribald, over-the-top, occasionally (a bit) crude. But downright FUNNY. Lily and Jane play parts not far from their pairing in that great classic hit: 9 to 5. By that I mean Jane is uptight, dresses to kill, and is a perfectionist. Lily is a hippie, clunky-dresser, and outspoken. She’s also a new-age-artist-yoga-ritual-practitioner and pot-smoker.
The plot turns on this event: Grace and Frankie’s husbands, (played by Sheen and Waterston) who have been law partners for decades, meet their wives for dinner at the club and tell them they are leaving them for each other. Yup—Lily and Jane are left dealing with the shock and challenge of finding out their husbands are gay. The series does a great job making the situation funny while not gay-bashing in any way.
The acting is good, and best of all, it’s a chance to laugh at the absurdities we face in life, and as we age.
Neither of these films is new, but if you live—not under, but let’s say “in the shade of” a rock, as I do—that won’t matter one iota!
Coach’s Challenge:
Not really a challenge—rather an invitation: to LAUGH! Try The Detectorists, try Grace and Frankie. At least one of them should strike your funny bone! And let me know how you like either or both!