I Just Can’t Do It!

I Just Can’t Do It!

A coworker shared with me this week, that mid-January is often a “raging” time for her. The holidays have been dealt with. It isn’t quite spring. It’s still dark and cold. There’s restlessness, and there’s impatience. By the way, I grew up in Minnesota, and January is the month they start shipping people out by the airplane load to warmer places. It’s probably great homicide prevention! (I joke, but you get my meaning).

If you’ve taken on a project as part of a New Year’s decision, or simply as a commitment to living more of your dreams, it can be the time when you hit the metaphorical brick wall. So let me share my approach to this growling, howling wail arising from within!

What to do when you just can’t do it:

1.     Stop. Stop whatever it is that you are doing.

2.     Breathe. A School of Peace basic, this gives you that most essential element: oxygen. It settles you down, gives you a fighting chance at perspective.

3.     Assess. Take a good look. What’s really going on here? Are you just plain exhausted? Is what you’re trying to do pushing an old button? Is it something someone told you that you were no good at? Is that inner voice right? Do you simply need some help? Do the School of Love thing and take note of your feelings. They’ll help you unsnarl what’s really going on if you’re willing to experience and move through them.

4.     Respond. Whatever you decide in step 3, respond appropriately. When I reach the level of overwhelm where I want to tear my hair out and scream  I just can’t do it! it’s a pretty good indication that I need a rest. A nap. A vacation. A good meal and a dose of beauty. The School of Service teaches us that we must serve ourselves first in order to be of true service to others.

5.     Reassess. Now that you’ve tended to your immediate needs, take another look at this project driving you to distraction. What is the smallest next step you can possibly take? Take it, and then stop again. Check in with yourself. Is this enough for now? The School of Wisdom Master Path is not only identifying smart solutions, but also taking action on them. Take action in direct relationship to your well-being. Still good? Reassess again!

Coach’s Challenge: Exercise the 4 Life Schools in regards to a challenge you are facing: Breathe, Feel your feelings, express them. Connect with the Divine – Ask, Listen, Act.  See a wise solution? Take it! As always, I invite you to leave a comment, share your journey!


Lindy MacLaine of lindymaclaine.com is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.