I’m pausing from my usual searching questions
To savor all I have, and all I am.
Ode of Gratitude
First, to you—for steadily opening my missives
Your questing spirit mirrors my own.
To the place that surrounds and nurtures me:
Ancient trees, massive mountains, galloping air,
Laced with brine or threaded with sunbaked lavender,
Offering deep peace in birdsong and wild blooms.
Oxygen breathing, food nourishing,
House sheltering, money supporting,
Vehicle, freeing, health—everything.
Soul friends, near and far—my hammock,
Holding me suspended, safe and sound,
O’er this life journey—through gales and storms,
As well as beaches, sunshine, and warmth.
Animal friends, I thank you for being
Irreplaceable sources of golden, unconditional love.
Gratitude for the sustenance of intimacy,
Family bonds—whether formed by blood or heart
I treasure you and offer undying gratitude.
Inspiration, I bow before thee,
Whatever corner you come to me from,
I welcome your siren call with open arms.
My ode of gratitude for today,
Sung with gusto, key of A,
Crystal-clear, no shades of grey.
Coach’s Challenge: Write your own Ode of Gratitude, or doodle one with crayons. There is little more magnetic to the Universe than filling your being with gratitude.