Boost confidence and connection by sharing stories!
Most of us naturally feel we don’t have stories to share.
It’s true, right? You think you are so ordinary nothing you’ve been through would be particularly of interest or entertaining to others.
That’s where you are wrong.
The more “ordinary” you are, the more others can relate to your experiences. There is ENORMOUS power in connecting through shared emotion about similar experiences—e.g. sharing stories.
I’ve been reading Brené Brown’s newest book, Braving the Wllderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone.I’m in in the middle of a section where the term “collective effervescence” is used, attributed originally to French sociologist Émile Durkheim. It references experience of shared connection, communal emotion, and “a ‘sense of sacredness’ that happens when we are part of something bigger than us.”
There are few better ways to share joy or sorrow than experiencing a story together. It’s the marrow of winning International Speeches in Toastmasters! A story about a common human experience, one that makes us laugh, makes us cry—together.
I like that term: “collective effervescence.” It makes me smile—I recognize hearing stories together can be like champagne, only better, and longer lasting.
The funny thing is…
You can’t wait until you feel confident to share your stories.It works the other way ‘round. Sharing your stories will grow your confidence, and deepen your feeling of connection.
A personal testimonial:
The award winning speech I’ve been giving at Toastmasters’ Contests recently is a story about my year as an exchange student in Peru when I was 16 years old— a tribute to the courage and kindness that carried me through.
My time in Peru is an experience I’ve stacked on a unique shelf in my memories, but like memories, it’s covered in dust. I haven’t given it much thought or credited it with any shining qualities, until recently.
From the moment I began to tell the story, it has gained in clarity. It’s become shinier. It’s more fun to remember, and more fun to talk about.
Telling the story has shifted the way I feel about that part of my life. It has polished my confidence. And hundreds of people who’ve heard it, now feel connected to me.
This is the magic of sharing your stories.
It’s real alchemy. Don’t miss the chance to experience it yourself.
Coach’s Challenge:
Experiment with sharing stories this week. It’s magic. Pick a memory, any memory, and share it with someone. Add a dash of humor along with other emotions, if you can. See how you feel in the wake of sharing this story. Put this process on repeat! And leave me a comment below.