Your Creative Space

Your Creative Space

Where is your creative space?

This is actually a trick question, because I want to talk about creativity, what it really is, and why it’s essential for you to spend creative time every day.

I used to think being creative meant having a craft. If I were to use my creative talents professionally, I would be a musician, a dancer, an actor, a printmaker, a writer, and so forth.

I’ve learned otherwise. Creativity is a state of being. Your creative space is wherever you allow yourself to enter in to this state of being. Let me try to articulate this insight.

You know how when you are doing something you love, you enter into a “zone” – hardly noticing the passage of time? That is the creative state. It’s a sacred place, really, a place where you sit at the crossroads of inspiration and expression. You are receiving inspiration, and you are expressing that inspiration. The etymology of the word inspiration is “under immediate influence of God or a god.” When in a creative space, you are bridging heaven and earth.

I open my coaching sessions with a grounding meditation. In this, I lead my clients through an awareness of how their energetic system is made in such a way that it perfectly connects the divine with its creation. Your focus, your light, your creativity, is necessary for the love that created us to reach the earth and its inhabitants. You want to heal the earth? Get in that creative space. It allows you to be a conduit for the sacred energy that is always trying to come through.

When I deliver Reiki in my Remote Reiki program, it is from that sacred, creative space. By the way, if you aren’t already participating in the program, it isn’t too late. Signing on for a whole year is the best value, but there’s no reason you can’t try it for a single month. This is where you can sign up.

This space, your creative, sacred space, is also the place from which you access intuition. How does intuition serve you? It makes decisions possible, for one thing, and much easier, I might add. It gives a quality of confidence and faith to moving forward each day.

It’s the same space from which you can manifest anything, heal yourself, and create a future you long for. It’s a profoundly fluid space where judgments cannot enter, and anything becomes possible. In all honesty, it is a space filled with the vibration of pure love.  That’s why you need to spend time in your creative space every day. It feeds you, nurtures you, heals you.

Coach’s Challenge: Look at your life with new eyes. Are you a person who considers herself only mildly creative, or even not creative at all? Consider what I’ve said here. Where do you channel inspired ideas? In the kitchen? Over a tax form? Running a meeting? Whether you have thought of it before or not, this is sacred work. It’s where you bring love through. Wherever it is, do it more often! Discoveries? Leave a comment and share your journey!

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.