The Underbelly of the New

The Underbelly of the New

Happy New Year, my friend!

I’ve gone in cycles in regards to how seriously I take the chance the New Year provides to set new goals, form new habits, turn the page and start fresh. I’ve jumped in whole hog, and I’ve ignored it—turning up my nose at the fruitlessness of it. Most recently I’ve re-embraced it after discovering the real power and satisfaction in making a commitment to grow.

I do know there’s an underbelly to the new. By “the underbelly of the new,” I mean the shadow-side. It’s a side that gets ignored—so much so that people mistakenly think their experience with it is unique. It’s not.

When thoughts of new commitment arise, when chances to take steps outside of one’s comfort zone occur, the underbelly shows up as well.

Here are some “underbelly” examples: feeling restless. Feeling moody. Frustrated, short-tempered. Experiencing louder inner voices giving you various disempowering messages. Messages like: “Who are you to…” “What gives you the right to think you could ever do that?” “No one will… (like it, want it, buy it, think it’s a good idea, etc., etc, etc.) Feeling the desire to hide, or to sleep until it’s all over. Sudden cravings, acting out of food or other addictions, trying to fill yourself with something other than the dream that is nudging its way into your consciousness. Picking fights with your spouse or family member because it’s easier than recognizing your true desire.

Because that’s what’s really happening. Beneath all those “underbelly” experiences, a vision of what you are dreaming of next is finding it’s way into the light. Unless of course, you stay wrapped up in the underbelly and refuse to allow yourself full awareness of this dream.

Why the “underbelly” feelings and actions? You’ve probably known your share of disappointments over dreams. You may have failed in your attempt to claim them. It hurt! Someone told you to “get your head out of the clouds,” to “be realistic,” to “be practical.” Let’s face it. It’s scary to really let yourself dream. So scary that you may have fooled yourself into believing you don’t know what your dream is. It’s there. It requires noticing the underbelly, and stopping the behavior to allow space, instead, for the dream.

The underbelly is trying to keep you “safe.” Instead, try this: Let the Underbelly reveal your Dream.

Coach’s Challenge: Take note of any “underbelly” thoughts, feelings, or behaviors you’ve got going on. When they come up, stop. Breathe into what’s underneath that messy layer. Let it rise. Give it space. Lots of sacred space. Take a walk, journal. Let the dream take shape before you start judging it and slapping it back. The Critic has her place, but it isn’t anywhere near new dreams! I challenge you to mid-wife your dream, to give it air and light, and love. Lots of Love. Leave a comment below to share your “underbelly” symptoms.

P.S. Today is the last day to get $100 off your Life Purpose Hand Analysis. Offer expires at midnight.

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy.

She is the author of the forthcoming fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for women and girls of any age who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.