Valuing What You Know

I’ve been challenged to create a 3-month coaching program to offer in February 2015, and I’m running into a combination of my life lessons (distrust, lack of self-confidence, and failure). They add up to this: I fear what I have to offer is not “important” or valuable enough to ask people to pay for it.

Wow… I’m embarrassed just admitting it!

But I imagine I’m not alone. I bet you, too, have a challenge fully valuing what you know.That’s why I’m sharing it—in case you’ve ever told yourself “I couldn’t possibly charge someone for that—it’s such obvious/simple/straight-forward stuff!” 

What is clear to everyone except you, is that this set of knowledge is part of your gifts. As such, it comes with such ease to you, it’s like breathing. While it seems the simplest thing in the world to you, someone else struggles mightily with it.

The most fertile place to look when you’re trying to figure out what you can offer as an entrepreneur is where your gifts intersect with your Life Lesson. It’s often called your “Secret Spice.” For example: as I am learning to succeed by trusting myself, believing in myself, this is what others will most naturally want to learn from me. As long as I keep challenging myself to grow, I’ll be one step ahead—and that’s far enough to inspire others.

The methods I use to teach about this Secret Spice will draw on my gifts. (Those things that come easily to me and are therefore easy to devalue.) I’ll use my “Lines of Genius” (writing and speaking ability), my deep intuitive gifts (Moon Stars, Line of Clairvoyance), my Gifted Problem Solver Headline, (the need to solve a world-sized problem), my Jupiter Stars (leadership abilities) and so forth.

You, as my client, are probably a lot like me—you’re among the 5% of the population with Gift Markings, and you have them in spades. That means it’s hard to know where to start. Here’s my advice: start where it hurts the most.

The truth is, having someone like me do a hand analysis with you provides the doorway you need for clarity and courage. You can’t fully see yourself. But I can. Once you see the doorway I reveal, and recognize the truth that it’s yours to walk through, it’s much harder to ignore. Of course you can choose to keep ignoring it. But what’s the point of refusing to live the soul contract you came to fulfill?

If you haven’t had a hand analysis with me yet, now’s the time. From now until the end of the year I’m taking $100 off my usual fee. Get yours here.

Coach’s Challenge: Where are you not valuing what you know? Are you overlooking something extra you’re doing at work that might be grounds for a promotion? Are you flat-out refusing to offer your knowledge to others because you are “retired?” Hey. It ain’t over ‘til you’re 6 feet under, my friend! Are you doing something for others for free for which you should be charging? As I said last week, It’s right to be generous. It’s not right to devalue your gifts. Here;s to valuing what you know. Leave a comment. Let me know about any sudden insights!

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Lindy MacLaine is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She offers tools to bring your imagination to life and to live your dream now–so that every girl across the globe can live hers as well. Find her at

She is the author of the forthcoming fantasy adventure book The Curse of the Neverland, for women and girls of any age who loved the Neverland and wanted to go there for something far more then Spring Cleaning.(

Lindy MacLaine of is a Life Purpose Coach whose messages empower and inspire those in the second bloom of life to reclaim their dreams, reignite their passions and rekindle their joy. She is the author of the fantasy adventure book "The Curse of the Neverland", for those ages 9-90 who loved the Neverland and yearn for adventures that matter.